Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Successful Afilliate Marketing One free tip

The single point made in this Afilliate Marketing tips video is valid - watch it, then take note that the video on marketing is actually "VIDEO MARKETING"! he uses the video to market his program, in order to generate sales (from you the curious buyer).
You wont need to buy his product if you keep coming back here to visit often enough and also see my seo blog too! (if you don't know seo then your marketing is useless, and the opposite way around too.
Watch the video and take note of the point made.

In case you didn't get the point; Once you have obtained web traffic (visitors, using good seo), you must CONVERT your visitors into buyers. This is done by writing a promotional text with the product you are promoting on whatever afilliate program you are using to promote ads with.

earn 78,000 dollars in 9 monthsFelicia earned $78,000 in 9 months typing part time from home, for a Fortune 500 company. You can too!

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